Çinler Dorse

Our company es currently in the automotive industry “Oto Çinler and Dump Trailer San. ve Tic. Ltd. Company” in 1986 work continued as “Çinler Automotive Products Ltd. Company” started as a partner. İn 1994, the automotive industry, combining many years experience has given “ÇİNLER TRAILEr” brand, creating brand. Thus we invite all the brother come together, as a door manufacturing production in 1998 “Çinler Wooden door” has a different face as. Service in 2004 opened e new production site in an area of 4.000 m², on the growth of the market and the increasing demand in this area in 2008 extended to 7.000m², In the year 2015 growth plan, organize our production site in addition to the open-closed area of 20.000 m ², will be in the field of industnial zone.

The secret of our succuss that we have committed so far our project, a new excitement in our work to hear every possible our problems solution, also by involving cuutomers and to plan find. In this way, “Çinler Trailer” brand, region, has become the industry leader.

Our aim is high quality with modern machinery and experienced personnel, safely move your cargo with a reliable manufacturing.